Thursday, 15 August 2013

The difficult

Hello ladies and gents,

So, reading back to my last post, it kinda sounded like I was giving an English talk with my definitions of 'sassy' and stuff, but in my defence, like essays, really long sentences, uni and most forms of exercise involving coordination (snore), beginning this blog was pretty hard, in terms of trying to set out the way the blog sounds and to try not come across like a complete idiot.
I look at this post as the 'difficult second album' phase, where I try to follow on from my previous post, keeping it sounding like me, but er, not just the same thing. Hmm... tricky.

Ok, so the thing with the second album, as Kaiser Chiefs, Duffy, Gnarls Barkley and most recently MGMT will tell you, is that it tends to either do really well, keeping you on the path to success, fame. maybe even money if your record company didn't screw you over.

Or as is the case with all the above, set you on a downward spiral to that place where people who are less famous than they used to be go... (I don't know where that is, although I suspect it's halfway between an 'alternative' stage at Glastonbury that they never show on tv and appearing in a Lindsey Lohan movie. I'm looking at you McFly and your terrible acting, yes you). The sad thing about all of the above, is that they started out good. Maybe just even kind of good. Then they just... dropped out of the spotlight a bit.

But, looking at it another way, lots of creative people let their work go wherever it takes them. From the Beatles, to Picasso, most pop culture references had an 'experimental period', when they really weren't popular. But, throughout all of their creative lives, they let their ideas shine through, even if it wasn't what everyone wanted to hear, see, read etc.
 I can let how my 'blog voice' progresses just go with the flow because you can't control that, but if I let what I have to say be influenced entirely by what is cool in the weird world of the internet, it'll just sound plain...boring. Sasspatch out.

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